Rugged protection and pristine elegance are often seen as two opposites. Things that protect are tough, durable, worn, weathered, beaten down. Things that are elegant are graceful, stylish, chic, classic and well preserved. Well, in the magical land of Ziebart, both ideas have united to form the best paint protection coating on the planet. Our Diamond Gloss® offers that durable defense for your vehicle while restoring the illustrious shine and sheen your vehicle once had.
Strong –
When we say our Diamond Gloss it tough, we have the facts to back it up. The formula for Diamond Gloss is so tough, it is also used in the aero technology field to help keep airplane fuel from sticking to fuselages. Also, if you were to run your hand across your vehicle after we treated it with Diamond Gloss, you would notice immediately how hard the coating actually is. Have your vehicle waxed and polished anywhere else and you’ll notice how soft the wax is. This is because our Diamond Gloss adheres to your vehicle on a molecular level. There is no level of protection better than what we offer.
Your clear coat takes a beating every day from casual driving. You don’t have to enter your ride into a derby or take it off road to have your vehicle’s paint damaged. Bird droppings, road tar, road salt, loose gravel, small stones, bugs, there are plenty of hazards ready to leave their mark on your vehicle’s paint. Damaged paint can lead to other problems outside of the unsightly damage. Remember, the paint on your vehicle is there to help protect metal from oxidation. Once the paint is damaged, the environment doesn’t need much convincing to start deteriorating and oxidizing your vehicle. Make sure your clear coat is free of those microscopic imperfections so that it can better protect your vehicle’s paint.

(Simulated image showing a damaged clear coat and what it protects)

(Simulated image showing Diamond Gloss filling in the voids in your clear coat)
Sleek -
Now that we know how tough Diamond Gloss is, it’s time for a briefing on how stylish it can have your vehicle looking. Restoring that clear coat not only adds protection for your paint, but our Diamond Gloss is designed to restore the shine as well. Do you remember what your vehicle looked like when you bought it new? Have you ever even seen your vehicle look sleek and shiny? Let the professionals at Ziebart restore that showroom shine by having Diamond Gloss applied. Our resin-based formula is designed to work with your vehicle’s paint and restore its natural beauty instead of just covering the paint with a shiny wax. There is no better paint restoration process or formula on the market.
Not only will your vehicle regain its allure, but with yearly maintenance, our Diamond Gloss can have your vehicle looking incredible for years to come. We’ve had all types of cars and trucks come in for our Diamond Gloss over the years. There is no way to explain the emotion and appreciation shown by people who truly love their vehicles once their vehicle is finished with a Diamond Gloss treatment. No matter how old the vehicle, the experts at Ziebart can help make it look like it just left the lot.

See for yourself what our Diamond Gloss can do for your vehicle.